Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week Two and NOT smoking

This week wasn’t bad. A very sloshy Tuesday…thanks for nothing Rec Plex in Pleasant Prairie, WI. Running in a mini blizzard is not for the faint of heart…but the fact that they didn’t even attempt to plow the street around the lake when I saw not one but two trucks with plows on them go past me…well whatever. If I wanted to get into all the things wrong with Pleasant Prairie I’d have a whole other blog.

Thursday was my long run and you can read my previous post to see how that went. Today was 3-5 easy and I ended up doing tomorrows run of 6.5 instead. I mean hell…it’s my plan..I made it up…I can adjust it as I see fit. Today I had plenty of time for the 6.5 so I did it. It’s Wisconsin people..there could be a heat wave, monsoon, blizzard, ice storm, or tornado tomorrow…you just don’t know. I ran from my moms house. I must have been a real pain this morning because Skip gave me the boot in the early afternoon and off to mamas I went. It’s always nice to run out there…maybe because when I lived there I never could have up and ran to the lake or wherever. Maybe it’s the peace and quiet that I don’t have where I live. Maybe it’s the fact that there isn’t 50 damn things that I have to do the minute I walk in the door after I run at home. Whatever it is it was good. I wore the Frees and had no blister issues today. I got NO barefoot running in at all this week…damn winter anyways.

Total miles for week two- 33.16

So I quit smoking. For those of you that have been around awhile you’ll remember that this was part of the pre-marathon plan. Well..I never really got around to it till a little over a week ago. After my crappy long run two Thursdays ago…I tossed my last smokes and trucked on over to WalMart and got the patch. I haven’t so much as touched one in over a week. Do I feel amazing? No. Is it changing my running? No. I have noticed not one single difference except that my patients that smoke are stinky. That’s it. I was hoping for something amazing to happen with my running. I mean…for shits sake….you wouldn’t think someone that smokes almost a pack a day would be able to keep up the mileage I did but I did! So I had big hopes that by quitting smoking….running would become this easy, beautiful thing. Anyways…hopefully that’s coming. For now I’m just bitchy and bored

9 days, 6 hours, 40 minutes and 47 seconds smoke free.

186 cigarettes not smoked.
$49.50 and 1 day, 10 hours of your life saved.
Your quit date: 1/6/2011 12:59:00 PM

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and happy running.


  1. Congrats on quitting. When I quit, I loved having the counter that would keep track of my success. I just celebrated my 6 year anniversary. It gets a lot easier, although I will never forget how hard it was at first. Good job!

  2. Good job on quiting. Save all your money and use it to buy running stuff! Imagine the amount of stuff you can get.

  3. This is awesome and I have every confidence that you'll do great! Maybe you won't notice differences (in running) right away, but they'll be there eventually! It's like currently you have in your mind how good you can really be, but suddenly you'll unlock this higher echelon of awesomeness. I honestly know you will. So keep it up!!!

  4. My wife used to smoke, but just one or 2 in the evenings, and she could notice the difference in her running, and her skin.



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