So I tried to run on Saturday…I made it three miles before limping home on a very painful left foot. I won’t lie…that shit scared me…I could barely walk. Sunday I did an hour and a half of Taebo and iced it more and sat around hoping like hell I didn’t have a stress fracture. I figured I had about 6 weeks before I’m due to start marathon training….so I have time to heal…but anyways.
Monday morning rolls around and I’m still one gimpy mofo. I hobble my way to work and sit down with Michael and ask him to look at my foot. He does….I tell him what I’ve been up to with the running…he shakes his head and we make a plan to go over to x-ray after the chick that doesn’t like me leaves and we’ll shoot a couple films. He says he thinks it’s been long enough that a stress fracture would probably show up on x-ray. I disagree…we argue a few minutes and go to x-ray. We shoot 3 films…and go look at them. Nothing…not a damn thing except pretty white bone. So we decide to lay off the running for a week…and if it’s still hurting….x-ray again and see how that looks. If I’m pain free in a week….I’m going to lay off running for another week and start running again.
I’m not sure where this leaves me with my barefoot running. I don’t want to stop…I love love love it…but I’m scared that if I don’t lay off, that if I don’t already have a stress fx….I’ll get one. I thought I was doing ok but this really got my attention. I’ve already paid for the marathon….I will do it. Maybe now is not the time to be trying to fix something that wasn’t broken. Maybe I do my gravel marching through the winter..Concentrate on at least trying to change my foot strike even in shoes…and once my marathon is over….loose the shoes and do it right this time. I guess for now though…I get through the next couple weeks and see what that holds.
So tomorrow we’re heading up to Skips Dads for Thanksgiving. We’re bringing dinner so I have a boatload of things to pack and bring plus I have to work tomorrow. Ugg..I need to relax. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and remember to appreciate the things you’re thankful for!
Maybe it's something as simple as gaining mileage quickly, which would be stressful on feet shod or bare! You've been making such great strides, pun intended, that your feet just have to catch up, that's all! And maybe, like Beth, it's a diet thing too. Although you're ten times better than I am at nutrition!! I think the rest will help and just being mindful. You'd be able to run a marathon right now if you could! So just digest that for awhile and try not to push too hard. Easier said than done right?? ;)