Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Puking and the Marathon Plan

Does running my son in circles till he pukes make me a bad mom? Probably…but worse was the fact that I got such a darn kick out of it. We dropped Dom off at ping pong club and headed with lil T over to the track. After more reading I’ve come to the conclusion that he should be running shorter intervals because his race is only a 5K…so tonight..instead of the 800’s….he did 400’s…and did 8 of them…with 200 meter recoveries in between. The puking came after the 6th one….and he felt much better for it. He was fairly consistent with running those 400 meters in around 1 minute 30 seconds. Not bad for his 2nd speed session. Never once wanted to stop...doesn't even occur to him.  I’m so proud of him….I’m half tempted to just ditch this 5K for myself just so I can see him finish. I would if this wasn’t the first race that either of us had ever run…so it’s special for me too….and honestly…the tension of watching him would make me come out of my skin…so I won’t…but that’s the first thing I want to know when I’m done.

I ran my own intervals this morning…well…Brian and I did. Five 800 meter intervals at around 4 minutes each. I think these suck worse then the 1600 meters….ugg…I hate Thursday s.

I also did a lot of thinking this morning…since lil T didn’t make her morning appearance till almost 10 AM. *This* post got me thinking again….thoughts I’d pushed down while training for the half. I want to do a full marathon….and I’ve been talking myself out of it due to time restraints. But I spent the morning pouring over different plans and it’s doable. Not this year…but next for sure. Kenosha has a full in the beginning of May….and that’s my pick. There are several things that factor in to that choice. One is that it’s close…no traveling required. I grew up there…feel comfortable there. And lets be honest…I pushed off the half until they put one in my backyard. Two is that I found a couple plans that will work and not take too much time away from the family. Three is that it will keep me training through next winter and that worked very well for me this year. And four….and this one is kind of morbid…goes along with bumping up the timing of doing this. I had said for awhile that it would be several years before I did a full. At least until lil T was in school and I had more time. But….and here’s the morbid part….I want my Dad to see me finish…and he’s not a real healthy guy…lots of health problems…and he’s 75 now. He’s proud of me no matter what I do..even when I’d given him nothing to be proud of…but I want him to have THOSE bragging rights…I want him to see me cross a finish line leaving a trail of blood ,sweat and tears that’s 26.2 miles long…and know I did it…not just for me…but for him.

So there it is folks….there’s no holding me to it….I’m good at holding myself.


  1. We can do this...I'm totally starting to think of signing up for a marathon in the fall...yikes. Is that crazy?
    Don't hold me to it...like you, I'm good at holding myself ;) :) ...I like that!

  2. Oh, do I understand....boy, do I. ;)

    I'm thisfrigginclose to signing up for my full marathon. I'm also thisfrigginclose to considering committing myself to a mental institution.

    Potatoe, pahtahto.

  3. Crazy? Probably...but that makes the best kind of runner I think.

    Destination *sorry..I don't know your real name :)* I say sign up...then you have to right? And I can feel how much you want it...just by reading your blog! I'm going nuts thinking about Kenoshas being over a year away...I don't want to wait that long!

  4. NOT crazy at all!!! Of all people that I personally or semi-personally know that could possibly run a marathon, you'd be the one I'd pick. Your determination and dedication alone will be just the tools you'll need to accomplish such an amazing goal. My desire to run a marathon may or may not arrive. At this point I'd only do it to do it...I mean for the sake of the "notch on my belt." But you have a solid (and inspiring) reason...your dad. I think people need something like that to succeed at a marathon. Something THAT passionate...because you'll need it around mile 20 I'm sure ;) I for one can't wait to see your progress as you train over the winter!

    Meanwhile, you are one awesome coach too! I'm going to incorporate intervals into my training soon (I need to find an open FREE track), and I would LOVE some advice from you!! :)

  5. Way to go on those intervals! And I think you totally should sign up for a full marathon! You can totally do it!



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