Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tagged By Anne..7 Things About Me

Thanks for the Tag from Anne over at http://asthmaandthegiftofrunning.blogspot.com/ Because she rocks!

1. I had never run before 2 years ago…my highschool was ‘alternative’…meaning we played hacky sack on our smoke breaks between classes…and ping pong during gym.

2. I hate being in the water…but I love to be by it.

3. I never planned on having children…funny because I ended up with 3 of em.

4. I only started blogging because the people on facebook were sick of hearing about my running.

5. I’m afraid of the dark…at 34 I still reach around the corner and turn the light on before I enter a room.

6. I tend to ‘keep’ people…if you’re with me…you’re with me for life. I’ve had the same close group of friends since I was very young…and add to them very rarely.

7. I have no real personal ambitions..never have. Not interested in making money or being the best at anything. My ambitions are to make sure that my husband and my children do great things and are great people…the man behind the scenes if you will.

So there are my seven things…and I guess I’m supposed to tag 7 people...but I'm only taggin 6..so there!

Kelli- My long time babymaking friend.
Katie- My partner in half friend.
My Garden Runner
Carly- makes me laugh runner
The Caratunk Runner
My newest follower runner!


  1. I love your list! I am right there with you on #3! LOL....funny how things change.

    Thanks for the tag. I will work on my own list.

  2. Thanks for the tag... I did my list I heart you CC.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and posting positively. You and I have a lot in common. Several of your 7s are mine too...funny. Thanks again. See you around!

  4. Awwww thanks for the tag! I'm finally catching up in blog world. I started my new job and am inching closer to being online for an extended period of time while I'm here! ;) Lately at night I haven't had time either. And I'm STILL trying to get back into running.

    Anyway, I loved your seven things!!! Number 3 was particularly interesting! :) I'll try working on my own!



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