Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Not enough Hours in the Day

To get done what I need to get done. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed today. I should be doing a million things beside blogging…but I’m out of juice.

I got up at my usual 4:25 AM so I could get my run in….but when I looked outside my front window and could not see the house across the street due to the fog…I decided to postpone. I did my pushups…which sucked BTW…did dishes, lunches for the kids, laundry and prepped dinner. Got Dom off to school, folded laundry…started another load..showered…got lil T ready for school…got Skip up, Vincent up…made my lunch…made coffee..and this was all before 7 AM. Then I did my 30 minute commute..dropping lil T off at daycare and was at the hospital by 8…..when my actual workday starts….as if I hadn’t already been working for 3.5 hours….

After putting in 7 hours at the clinic…I blew outta there…..2 of our last 3 patients cancelled. I brought running clothes in hopes this would happen. So I changed..headed over to the Lake and knocked out 6 miles in my fastest time to date. Then I headed over and picked up lil T…came home…made dinner…put dishes away…took a bath with lil T, started MORE laundry…and am now blogging instead of making dinner for tomorrow night, making lunches…folding laundry…and doing the dinner dishes which is all stuff I need to do before I hit the sheets tonight. ..and I’m sure I’m forgetting a million things.

RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need a vacation.


  1. This is so ironic because one of my friends had a similar sentiment yesterday...maybe it was the weather? In any case, she's a new mom and works as well, and is trying to get used to the packed schedule. She feels guilt about leaving her daughter in order to work, but HAS to work to make ends meet. Meanwhile she's trying to squeeze in workouts and other that other stuff you mentioned above about dinners and laundry. I don't know how you ladies do it. From the outside, we child-less people probably think: "Bah! How hard can it really be?" But it soooo is. In any case, while I can't necessarily relate, I feel your struggle. I'm sure there are good days and totally overwhelming days. But I'm sure you're doing great either way :)

  2. Gosh and I thought I have had a lot on my plate lately.. You know... I hear Reno is a lovely vacation spot..

  3. Reno sounds lovely...send the car for me..I'm waiting next to the road.



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