Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Second Day of Pushups..and 6 miles

This blows…this is hard. I always knew my upper body was weak….in spite of my weight training that I’ve never neglected…but damn…I’m realizing it’s pathetic.

I was able to squeak out 8 pushups for my initial test. That puts me in the middle group of three…and I'm struggling….aching…. I could say that I did Taebo yesterday…and I do that with weighted gloves..or that I did a 6 mile run right before doing these pushups..so that’s why it was so difficult today..and that would all be true…but the fact remains…that I suck at this…LOL!!!!!! But!!! The good news is…the boys are having just as difficult of a time with it..so it’s not just me. Poor Vincent came home from school yesterday and told me that when he raised his hand in class…his whole side cramped up. We had a good laugh about that. So I’m thinking we’re going to repeat week one…and then move to week two..and see how that goes.

In work news…the new clinic is awesome! I love being away from the ER…although I miss some of the people. We’re still waiting for some of the things to be hung up..like sharps containers and whatnot…but they have to APPROVE nails in the wall! So I’m wondering what happens if they don’t approve them? Do we hang them with duct tape? Seriously people…micromanaging at it’s finest.

One thing I forgot to mention about my Sunday run with the girls….I get there 20 minutes or so early so I can lap it before they get there…and as I was finishing that up….I heard a car pull up beside me. I turn…ready to light somebodys shit up with my mouth and fists if necessary…and it’s Dr. F!!! I’ve worked for this man for 9 years and love him dearly….but man…don’t DO that to me!! After I recovered from wanting to beat his ass….I said “so you’re here to run with me right?” He laughed….


  1. My LOWER ABS hurt from this thing! And just from the first day. Who knew your lower abs could hurt from pushups?!? I am in for a world of hurt...a UNIVERSE of hurt. No pain no gain, I suppose ;)

    Congrats on the new clinic by the by! Hopefully the kinks get worked out sooner rather than later!

  2. So glad you finally got a new clinic that rocks CC! It has been a long time coming!
    Kudos on the push up challange. So nice that the boys are doing it with you.



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