Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crappy Runs..and why I do em.

I do em because my ass is already out the door and I didn't know any better when I left.  That was this morning...6.5 of slog and drudge.  Just wasn't feeling it and my time reflected.  I took Brian with me and watching him I wish I could be a dog.  They NEVER have a bad run..they're just happy to be running...for the sheer joy of it.  He is crazy cute..those big ole ears perked up at every turn.  Loves the ducks by the trail, loves the snow, love love love..that's him.

I've been thinking alot about those obscenely priced GPS watch thingys...and if 300 bones ever drops out of the sky I may just get myself one.  My pace is so inconsistent and though that may not be a bad thing...it feels like one.  It would be nice to vary my routes more because although I have many..and many of them I've logged and saved, I would like to be able to go out and just look at my wrist and know how far I've gone...if I should pick up my pace or slow the hell down *usually not even possible...LOL*.  I love running and being able to look at things, not worry about the miles and whatnot...so on the flipside..the GPS may not be the best idea for me.

In ever present other news...I had a date with my dentist today.  Since August I've had two cavities that I could actually see that were not there the end of summer.  Now due to my surgery I can not drink soda, have to take it WAY easy on sugar because they make me sick.  But my teeth have also gone to shit.  I don't know if it's related to surgery...I'm not deficient in any vitamins or minerals and my labs were awesome BTW.  But man...in the last two years I've had to have 2 teeth pulled, the two root canals I had have seriously busted off and I've lost them....need implants now...and multiple cavities...total bullshit..because I take such care with my teeth.  I am sick of it and don't know what to do.  Doc says alot of it is hereditary...my moms teeth are also shit..but both of my brothers have wonderful teeth.  And he was not educated enough about my surgery to say if it has any bearing or not.  Note to self...ask surgeon when I see him.  But I researched Gastric Bypass for 2 years before I had it done and don't remember ever seeing anything about teeth...hmm.  So I got the one done and the other will be done next Thursday.  I have a revolving line of credit with this dude I swear.

Skips on 2-10 tonight so it's just me and the kiddos tonight.  I've got ribs in the crockpot and lil T is sleeping.  Till  next time...


  1. GPS would come in handy should the boogy man try to take your mean ole ass...
    GPS is never a bad idea! Sending money dropping out of the sky vibes your way..
    Teeth- very sensitive topic. The older we get the worse they get, it sucks... Revolving credit? hmm maybe he can implant a tracking device..... ;0)

  2. Boogy man ain't got nothin on me.

    Skip would be delighted with a tracking device since he almost never knows where I go and when I tell him...I usually change my mind mid-run and go elsewhere...
    Dangers of an ADD runner.



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