Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lil T parties like a rockstar..and a great post.

Great Post!  Love love love what this guy has to say all the time but today especially.

And other news.  Tinky has been celebrating her birthday since Saturday morning...and it's actually tomorrow.  Yesterday we started with a bowling party with some little friends and today was the family party.  Eighteen people in my 1000 sq. foot house...too damn many!  But, she had a wonderful time....both days and I'll suck it up for my last baby turning 5.  She also has her party at pre-school tomorrow....she gets to wear the crown....lol.

In running news, Brian and I had a nice interval run to the tune of 5.5 miles in 55 minutes.  The sun actually showed itself for the first time in weeks and it was WINDY!!  Most of the snow has melted and the beaver lodge is completely visible.  I really needed a run like today's....it was beautiful out...40 degrees and in spite of the wind...which continues to howl....it felt perfect.  Milage for the week was 28.1...or something like that. 

I feel pretty prepared for the half.  I've got time either way.  I'd like to get a number of runs in that exceed the race distance..and I have the time to do those.  What I don't get...is that when I read half-marathon training plans...they often don't have you running the actual distance of the race...or if they do..it's like one time.  How is that preparing someone at all?  Isn't that leaving alot up to race day adrenaline?  I know a gal that completely tanked on her half...had to walk a number of miles...and when she showed me the training plan she used.....I don't 'think' they ever even had her do race distance.  I think plans like this are shit and shouldn't be out there...but then again...wtf do I know?

Anyways....I'm off to snuggle my babygirl on her last night as a 4-year-old.  I can't believe she's turning 5...how can that possibly be when she was just born like a minute ago?


  1. Happy Happy Birthday little Tinky..
    xoxo from Nevada

  2. I passed that along..and she says..'who's the pretty lady with the yellow hair?'

  3. Tell her the ugly yellow haired lady is her future Mother in Law ;0)..



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